This is a favorite of mine The Stella De Ora day lily. I love this plant because it is a perennial so it comes back bigger and better each year. To keep those blooms going you must be sure to remove the spent blooms as quickly as you notice them. Removing old blossoms before they have a chance to produce seeds encourages flowering plants to put their energy into producing more blossoms, this extends their beauty in the garden. I have so many I miss a few and then they can get raggedy by late Summer. So prune ,prune, prune!
The deer also love theses plants so remember this when planting. If you plant without spraying deer away or maybe hanging some dial soap near by you will wake up to a small mound of green.
If you love that splash of color in your garden go ahead and plant this beautiful favorite of mine!
These beauties need partial to full sun.
For more info on deadheading and keeping those daylilies blooming check out this on UTUBE Daylilycare |