Our Town

Our Town

The Lovely Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library!

If you live in Clarksville and haven't been to the local library, you are missing out! Not only does the Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library offer virtual means to your favorite books with a library card-- which you can read more about here-- but you can take advantage of so many amazing perks that come with our Public Library here in Clarksville!

For those with kids-- from small children to teens-- the library has a myriad of programs throughout the year! There are near-daily activities for children, both craft times and storytimes to be enjoyed in the children's library! However, once a week in the afternoon, there are also programs for tweens and teens. These crafting activities are extremely fun and usually based on popular trends! While it has been a good while since I went to the teen program, I remember that we made our own Sonic Screwdrivers, inspired by the popular series Doctor Who! Tweens and Teens can also apply to be on the library's Teen Advisory Board, which helps decide on the crafting activities and promote the teen and tween programs.

There are also all age and adult programs at the library. Some of these include the Lego Program, Sunday Movie, and the Anime Club! There is also a program for those of all ages with special needs and their caregivers. For adults, the library hosts a book club and crochet club as well as an open tech lab to get help with computer use such as navigation or setting up an email! For a full calendar of library activities, check here!

The Public Library is an incredible place and the staff has really allowed for great use of the space with all of their available programs. However, whether you want to attend the Sunday movie or just want to check out the wide selection of books, you should consider going to the Public Library soon! 

Prepping Your House for Showing and Selling: Safety Precautions

When you are trying to sell your home, you're usually still living in it. With that in mind, you need to make sure to keep yourself and your belongings safe as potential buyers move in and out for showings and open houses. Some of these things may seem obvious, but in the whirlwind of getting ready, it can be easy to forget the simplest things!

First: be sure to lock away valuables and secure any private documents! Move your jewelry out of the jewelry box, lock any safes you may have in the house. Be sure any important documents, such as ones from your bank, are securely tucked away. While an agent will be with potential buyers through a showing, there is always a possibility someone might get their hands on something they shouldn't.

Second: remove medication from your home. If you need to, keep your medication in a mobile bag you can take with you when you leave the house for showings or else put them away with other valuables in a secured spot.

And third: take down any decorations that include the names of your family, especially kids. While it is unlikely this is something a potential buyer would use, it is better safe than sorry. No stranger should have access to your child's name so be sure to remove any door signs and other such decorations! 

These steps perhaps seem simple, but sometimes the simple things are the easiest to forget! Be sure to lock away valuables, remove medications, and be sure to take down decorations with the names of your family. This will keep you, your belongings, and your family safe as you ready yourself to sell your house!

The Lovely Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library!

If you live in Clarksville and haven't been to the local library, you are missing out! Not only does the Clarksville-Montgomery County P...